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Author Topic: Difference between Old automatic and TipTronic?  (Read 214 times)
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Carma: 0
Posts: 3

Difference between Old automatic and TipTronic?
« on: March 08, 2010, 11:22:07 PM »

hi.. I was reading the transmission bible and I'm a bit confused about the difference between selecting gears in relatively old automatics and the modern tiptronic stuff. In the older cars, we could select L1, l2 and So on. How is tiptronic different from this?

Carma: 0
Location: Bay Area, California
Posts: 7

Re: Difference between Old automatic and TipTronic?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2010, 08:54:44 AM »

The traditional slushboxes let you select what range of gears the box is allowed to use. Stick it in 1, and it can only use first gear. In 2, it can use first and second. D3, and it can use first, second, and third, and if you let it use overdrive... (note: this is based on the fairly typical, archaic slushbox fitted to my car. More sophisticated ones may be a bit different). Tiptronic is still an automatic gearbox, but it also lets you specify what gear you want it in when you put it in the tiptronic mode. When you're doing that, you're specifying an actual gear, as opposed to an upper limit as you were with the conventional automatic gearboxes.

It's not a Volvo unless it's got at least three cannons. I just wouldn't feel safe.

Carma: 0
Posts: 3

Re: Difference between Old automatic and TipTronic?
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2010, 06:51:58 PM »

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