Contact Me

If you've got a question about my pages, or the subject matter of my pages, drop me a line.
Please do not send requests for detailed advice though - I'm not a qualified mechanic so I can't hand out that sort of information. If you need it, see my "ask an expert" section below.
Emails with questions like "I've bought/own a Ford/Toyota/Jeep and want to chop/boost the suspension/find a good wheel size, how do I do it?", will be ignored.
Most of the answers to almost all the emails I get are already contained on the pages, so read them carefully. If you can't find the answer quickly, try the FAQ.

If the FAQ doesn't answer your question, try searching my site using the search page.

Purchasing the Bibles

The Car Maintenance Bibles are available to buy in reformatted, ready-to-print Adobe PDF files. See the Buy The Bibles page for details.

Purchasing the CGI illustrations

If you are a student, magazine writer or otherwise involved in print or editing, the CGI illustrations on the Suspension Bible page are available. Details on this page.

The last resort - send me an email :-)

If you really can't find what you want then